Welcome to ML Management Group. At ML Management, our sole focus is to enhance the careers of MMA Fighters and continue to grow the sport of MMA. We feel that it is of utmost importance to not only focus on obtaining matches for our fighters but to develop them into true professional athletes with the correct physical, mental, emotional and financial training that goes along with that. All of our clients receive a holistic and comprehensive management approach ensuring proper growth throughout all aspects of their career. We have a team based approach to management with experts in all fields, including: MMA, media and public relations, law, business, accounting and tax preparation, IT, and sponsorships and endorsements.
At ML, we work on developing those who love to compete and fight, into those who are champions. The “ML” in ML Management Group stands for “Molon Labe.” A phrase often used in the military even today, it earned its notoriety when the Persians battled the Spartans for control of their land. During battle, the King of the Persians, Xerxes, demanded the Spartans surrender their weapons, to which they cried out “Molon Labe!” meaning “Come and take them!” That is our motto- Molon Labe! When asked to surrender, we fight. We do not back down, we do not submit, we do not tap out- if you want us, you better come and take us!